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New Naked Male Celebs

New Naked Male CelebsNew Naked Male Celebs


Our friends at MaleCelebArchives.com have made several updates and have added tons of new naked male celebs.  These guys are the absolute best at showing you nude male movie scenes and scandals.  We could get lost in their archives and often do,  plus they update all the time.

Fully Naked Michael Fassbender

Fully Naked Michael Fassbender

This is fully naked Michael Fassbender in a few different films.  He’s shown his penis in ‘Shame’ and ‘Hunger’ and continues to take on more nude scenes.  He’s the type of hunk that we love on this blog and love seeing his success!

Michael Fassbender Shows Penis

James McAvoy Naked Pics

James McAvoy Naked Pics

James McAvoyJames McAvoy Naked Pics

James McAvoy Naked Pics

Last year, James McAvoy stripped down nude in the movie ‘Filth’.  The film was just released in the US a couple of weeks ago and stars some great actors. He did an outstanding performance and won Best Actor in Film. James has been acting in movies and Television since the mid nineties and has won countless awards. The Scottish actor gained a lot of popularity with his recurring role on the X-Men series.

For those of you who like scary movies, you’re going to love this! James McAvoy will star in the 2019 film ‘It: Chapter Two’.