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Ashton Kutcher Naked Ellen

Ashton Kutcher Naked Ellen

Ashton Kutcher Naked EllenAshton Kutcher Naked Ellen

When Ashton Kutcher got naked on ‘Ellen’, it was a very special moment.  What I would have given to have been in the audience. He’s probably packing at least ten inches under those pixels and we would love to see it. Since Ashton starred in ‘That ’70s Show’, his career has completely taken off. Later he hosted the MTV show ‘Punk’d’ and became even more popular on television. You can tune into his new show called ‘The Ranch’, where he plays the role of Colt Bennett. Netflix recently renewed the series for its 4th season.

James Franco Naked Scene Sonny

James Franco Naked Scene Sonny

James Franco Naked Scene Sonny

James Franco hasn’t shown a ton of nudity in his career, but he did give us this good naked scene in the movie Sonny. Since then, he has played leading roles in several popular films. James Franco has become a staple in the comedic world, playing alongside Seth Rogan in some classics. He has the ‘Stoner’ role perfected as we saw in ‘Pineapple Express’, however he played a very serious role in ‘127 Hours’. At the end of 2017, James decided to take a break from acting and take some time for himself.

James Franco Naked Scene Sonny

Thomas Jane Nude

Thomas Jane Nude

Thomas Jane Nude

Thomas Jane Nude

The TV series ‘Hung’ is great and so is Thomas Jane.  He gets naked quite often on the show and won’t leave you disappointed. HBO couldn’t have chosen a better male celebrity to play this role. Not only is Thomas Jane a beautiful man, but he is also very well hung. During the scene above, he is totally naked and shows his big, hairy penis. He was only wearing a football helmet, which made the entire thing even more sexy. If you’re looking to see him on TV, checkout the science fiction series ‘The Expanse’.