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Patrick J. Adams shirtless and sexy as hell

Actor Patrick J. Adams shirtless in Suits

Sexy male actor Patrick J. Adams shirtless Handsome Patrick J. Adams shirtless Sexy actor Patrick J. Adams wakes up in bed Patrick J. Adams shirtless in the pilot for Suits Shirtless actor Patrick J. Adams wakes up in bed

Some of you might think it’s unfair to say this, but being one of these guys I think I have the freedom too… Patrick J. Adams probably wasn’t that hot when he was younger. He’s one of those guys you imagine was a bit of a geek and probably not very athletic, but kinda cute. Obviously he had potential, because these days he’s a handsome and fit actor plenty of women and men, lust after.

I was going back through old episodes of ‘Suits’ a couple of days ago and when I saw this scene of Patrick J. Adams shirtless in bed I knew that he had to be shared here for you guys to ogle and enjoy. I’d honestly forgotten about his shirtless scenes, but now that I’ve been reminded I think we might need more.

I’m surely not the only one who thinks he’s really handsome, in a natural and unassuming way. One of the best things about him is that natural hair on his body too, he’s not one of those actors who has to spend a week shaving and working out before he takes his shirt off and I like that in an actor.

Enjoy these sexy shots of Patrick J. Adams shirtless and indulge yourself wondering what it would be like to wake up next to him in the morning.

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